No Mo' Bumps = Impeccable After Shave
Eyes on the Back of Your Head? - Impeccable After Shave

Eyes on the Back of Your Head?

Razor Bump Treatment for Back of the Neck

Proper razor bump treatment is essential for those eyes on the back of your neck

A razor bump is a hard thing to hide, not very attractive on the face and definitely not on the back of the neck. And yes, there are eyes on the back of your head?   A great number of orders for our Aftershave product are a direct result of women purchasing this product designed for razor bump relief for their man. They are the ones that nestle up next to you and are seen in public with you. Check out the pictures on our website and see if they remind you of someone you know or perhaps even you yourself?

Razor Bump Treatment on the Back of the Neck

  • Managing bumps on the back of the neck is not unlike the steps necessary for razor bump management on the face. That said, many use clippers or trimmers on the neck and many times the added element is simply that the tool is not well maintained (disinfected between customers and blades properly oiled).  Razor Bump prevention involves the right tool, proper technique and products designed for razor bumps care.

We are on a mission to clean up America, one neck at a time.

Shaving Tips and Treatments

For shaving tips and techniques click here.  To order your bottle of Impeccable After Shave and other quality products order here.

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