No Mo' Bumps = Impeccable After Shave
What's In An Effective Razor Bump Product? - Impeccable After Shave

What’s In An Effective Razor Bump Product?

What’s in an effective razor bump product, you ask? First and foremost, an effective razor bump product must contain one or more ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties.  The razor bump product, often an aftershave, has to be able to dry up any active infected razor bumps, allowing the trapped ingrown hair to surface. Healing agents are useful in minimizing the marking and scarring that remains from dried up bump. Fragrance, dyes and chemicals should be limited in an effective razor bump product as these can irritate already sensitive skin.

Ideally, the product should  work well in conjunction with a variety of conditions (the use of various shaving tools). An effective razor bump product must function well with:

  • Razors (whether cheap or premium, single blade or multiple) or
  • Trimmers (well-maintained or dull).

Rotary electric shaver are not advised for those prone to razor bumps. Depilatories and razor bump products are not well-advised because of the harsh chemicals involved.

Before a face gets better it may rebel, and if the product doesn’t respond to change, a customer may be lost in the process.  A good razor bump product knows this!  Consistency is important.

For helpful tips for shaving techniques, razor bump treatment and more Click Here

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