No Mo' Bumps = Impeccable After Shave
Three Year Impeccable Results - Impeccable After Shave

Three Year Progression of Impeccable Results

Below are three year Impeccable Results from a real Impeccable After Shave customer. The customer featured below has had long-lasting results using this anti-inflammatory solution to razor bumps. Proper shaving technique, the choice of the best shaving tool and the use of Impeccable After Shave, can be used to effectively control the recurrence of razor bumps. Check out the testimonial and photos below, and see for yourself!

  • Before Treatment
  • After 7 Days
  • After 14 Days
  • After 6 Months
  • After 6 Months
  • After 6 Months
  • After 18 Months
  • After 18 Months
  • After 18 Months
  • After 3 Years

Marc S.

Tools Used:Trimmers
Case Level:Severe
Occupation:Service industry that requires close contact with clients – appearance and grooming are important.

“As you can see, my face was a mess. Many thanks go out to the makers of No Mo’ Bumps (Impeccable). Bailey Enterprises taught me the proper way to shave for the first time in my adult life. I had previously been to three dermatologists who prescribed oral and topical medications to no avail. I tried double and tripled edged blades, electric shavers – you name it. It took me over 35 years to realize my problem stemmed from an allergic reaction to razor blades, fueled by naturally curly hair that easily became trapped and ingrown. Bailey Enterprises recommended trimmers for my bump-ridden face. I was then instructed as to the proper use of the trimmers, direction to cut, and how to shave above the skin so that I could break the cycle of creating new bumps. After 3 years of using the product, unless you knew me in the past, you would not know I suffered from severe razor bumps. No Mo’ Bumps made a believer out of me….”